What in the world?! : : a Southern woman's guide to laughing at life's unexpected curveballs and beautiful blessings

Title What in the world?! : : a Southern woman's guide to laughing at life's unexpected curveballs and beautiful blessings
Names Morgan, Leanne.
Book Number DB125450
Title Status In Process
Language English
Annotation "For a long time, no one pulling the strings in the comedy world thought that an over-fifty woman from rural Tennessee could make it in the industry. But Leanne Morgan has defied the odds, reaching millions with her musings on hormones, low-rise britches, Weight Watchers, and her opposites-attract relationship with her husband, Chuck. In her charming southern accent, Morgan brings readers inside her quest to find her voice after spending many years trying to figure out what that meant. Along the way, we learn how she grew up as a butcher's daughter, landed a husband with health insurance, honed her stand-up technique selling jewelry at house parties, embraced the glories of aging, and surrendered to the comfort of wearing big flesh-toned panties"-- Provided by publisher. -- Unrated. Commercial audiobook. Bestseller.
Medium Digital Books
Audience Notes Bestseller. NLS/BPH
Local Subject Unrated - UNRAT
Biography - BIO
Stage & Screen - STG
Bestsellers - NonFiction - BEN
Performing arts - Stage presentations - 792
Sports, Recreation, Hobbies, Movies, etc - 790
LC Subject Autobiographies
Comedians - United States - Biography
Call Number 792.70280924 ANF
Publication Info Washington, D.C. : National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Library of Congress,
Original Publication Reissue of: New York : Penguin Random House, [2024] 9780593861004
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