What every Christian should know : : study guide : 10 core beliefs for standing strong in a shifting world

Title What every Christian should know : : study guide : 10 core beliefs for standing strong in a shifting world
Names Jeffress, Robert.
Book Number DB126318
Title Status In Process
Narrator Sarris, George W.
Language English
Annotation "Respected pastor and bestselling author equips you to understand the core doctrines of Christianity so you can stand against false teachings in a world that is increasingly hostile to to our faith--and to the concept of truth itself."-- Provided by publisher. -- Unrated. Commercial audiobook.
Medium Digital Books
Local Subject Unrated - UNRAT
Study guides
Religion - 200
Christianity & Christian theology - 230
LC Subject Theology, Doctrinal - Popular works - Textbooks
Call Number 230.09 ANF
Publication Info Washington, D.C. : National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Library of Congress,
Original Publication Reissue of: Grand Rapids, Michigan : christianaudio.com, 2023. 9781545922811
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