Un amor no tan lejano

Title Un amor no tan lejano
Names Kimball, Heidi.
Book Number DB126322
Title Status In Process
Narrator Román, Sonia.
Language Spanish
Annotation "Lady Charlotte Darrington's path in life is clearly laid out before her: she will select a suitable husband, marry, and one day inherit her father's Scottish dukedom. But a growing restlessness has her desperate for a bit of freedom before her all-too-certain future closes in. When the opportunity to travel to America arises, Charlotte leaps at the chance and soon finds herself across the Atlantic in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her American hosts and their friends couldn't be more welcoming--all except one. The insufferable Dr. Galloway captures her eye--and her ire. Life has made Dr. Alec Galloway wary of everyone, including the self-important Lady Charlotte Darrington, who thinks herself above Pittsburgh society. He makes no qualms about voicing his disapproval of Britain's archaic peerage system, or of a certain peeress herself, though he never intended for his brusque opinions to reach her ears, sparking a conflagration neither could have foreseen. Yet as Charlotte gains insight into Alec's wounded past, she offers him something that changes everything--her friendship. Despite Alec's determination to keep everyone at bay, she slowly erodes his defenses, allowing him glimpses of a future he never imagined. Soon he must decide whether to face his past fears and grasp a second chance at love or risk losing Charlotte forever."-- Provided by publisher. -- Unrated. Commercial audiobook. Spanish language.
"Lady Charlotte Darrington lo tiene todo en la vida: un día, elegirá a un marido adecuado, se casará y heredará el ducado escocés de su padre. Todo está organizado y lo que no hay en ese futuro es una cosa: emoción. Así, cuando le surge la oportunidad de viajar a Pittsburg, en Pensilvania, no se lo piensa dos veces y se embarca en esa aventura antes de que ese futuro planificado la atrape. Y como no podía ser de otra manera, todos la reciben allí con los brazos abiertos. Todos menos el doctor Alec Galloway, que la considera una engreída y que rechaza el arcaico sistema nobiliario que rige en Gran Bretaña. Charlotte no soporta al doctor pero, poco a poco, según va sabiendo cosas de él, acaba por ofrecerle su amistad. Y eso lo cambiará todo. ¿Será él capaz de enfrentarse a sus miedos pasados y aprovechar esta segunda oportunidad en el amor que le llega desde el otro lado del océano?"-- Proporcionada por la editorial. -- Traducido de la edición en inglés de 2023. Sin calificación. Audiolibro comercial.
Medium Digital Books
Local Subject Unrated - UNRAT
Human Relationships - Fiction - HUM
Spanish, Fiction. (in Spanish) - SPAF
Titles in Spanish - SPA
American fiction - Pre 1970 - 813
American literature in English - 810
LC Subject Romance stories
Scots - Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh - Fiction
Nobility - Fiction
Man-woman relationships - Fiction
Social classes - Fiction
Pittsburgh (Pa.) - Social life and customs - 19th century - Fiction
Historical fiction
Call Number 813.6 AFI
Publication Info Washington, D.C. : National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Library of Congress,
Original Publication Reissue of: [S.l.]: BookaVivo, 2024. 9798886578010
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