Called for a purpose : : daily devotions to help you pursue God's plan

Title Called for a purpose : : daily devotions to help you pursue God's plan
Names Evans, Tony.
Book Number DB126231
Title Status In Process
Language English
Annotation "God Has Something Great in Store for You! "We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." ROMANS 8:28 *** You've heard that "all things work together for good" countless times. So why do you still feel so unfulfilled? Taken in its full context, Romans 8:28 contains a beautiful promise for you. The key to making this real, is to love God and live life according to His purpose, not yours. When you surrender your hopes, dreams, and plans to God and truly let Him lead you, He will cause everything in your life -- the good, the bad, and the bittersweet -- to work toward His ultimate plan for you. Let these heartfelt devotions from Dr. Tony Evans draw you closer to God, encourage you to submit to His will, and trust Him to shape your God-appointed destiny. Discover the unparalleled joy of living a life of purpose through Jesus Christ!" -- Provided by publisher.
Medium Digital Books
Local Subject Religion - 200
Christian practice & observance - 240
LC Subject Vocation - Christianity
Devotional calendars
Call Number 248.4 ANF
Publication Info Washington, D.C. : National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Library of Congress,
Original Publication Recorded from: Eugene : Harvest House Publishers, 2018. 9780736964401
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