Lady at the O.K. Corral : : the true story of Josephine Marcus Earp /

Title Lady at the O.K. Corral : : the true story of Josephine Marcus Earp /
Names Kirschner, Ann.
Length 1 online resource (audio (11 hours, 10 minutes))
Book Number DBC04978
Title Status Active
Narrator De Blank, Laura.
Language English
Annotation Biography of Wyatt Earp's common-law wife Josephine, who met the legendary lawman in Tombstone, Arizona. Describes their nomadic lifestyle and her efforts to protect his reputation and bury the secrets of their early years.
Medium Digital Books
Audience Notes Female narrator. NLS/BPH
Local Subject Downloadable books
Biography - BIO
Talking books
US - Western United States - 978
History - North America - 970
LC Subject Peace officers - Southwest, New - Biography
Pioneers' spouses - Southwest, New - Biography
West (U.S.) - Biography
West (U.S.) - History - 19th century
Call Number 978.02092 B ANF
Released 2015
Publication Info Phoenix : Arizona State Braille and Talking Book Library, 2015.
Original Publication Recorded from: 1st Harper Perennial ed. New York : Harper Perennial, 2014, c2013. 9780061864513
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