Title |
The color purple
Names |
Walker, Alice.
Length |
8 hours, 51 minutes
Book Number |
Title Status |
Download Link |
Downloadable talking book.
Narrator |
Mickens-Hundley, Tracy.
Language |
Annotation |
Follows two black sisters--Nettie, a missionary, and Celie, raped by her father and married to a cruel man. Nettie's letters do not reach Celie, and Celie's shame is so great that she writes only to God. Anniversary edition includes Walker's 1992 preface. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. Pulitzer Prize. 1982.
Medium |
Digital Books
Audience Notes |
Contains some explicit descriptions of sex. NLS/BPH
Contains strong language. NLS/BPH
Female narrator. NLS/BPH
Pulitzer Prize winner. NLS/BPH
Local Subject |
Family Stories - Fiction - FAM
LC Subject |
Abused wives - Fiction
Adult child sexual abuse victims - Fiction
African American women - Fiction
Sisters - Fiction
Family problems - Fiction
Southern States - Fiction
Call Number |
813.54 AFI
Released |
Publication Info |
Washington, D.C. : National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, 2007. (AMI, recording studio).
Original Publication |
Recorded from: 10th anniversary ed./1st ed. New York : Harcourt, c1982. 0151191549